
Source code for mmrotate.core.post_processing.bbox_nms_rotated

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
import torch
from mmcv.ops import nms_rotated

[docs]def multiclass_nms_rotated(multi_bboxes, multi_scores, score_thr, nms, max_num=-1, score_factors=None, return_inds=False): """NMS for multi-class bboxes. Args: multi_bboxes (torch.Tensor): shape (n, #class*5) or (n, 5) multi_scores (torch.Tensor): shape (n, #class), where the last column contains scores of the background class, but this will be ignored. score_thr (float): bbox threshold, bboxes with scores lower than it will not be considered. nms (float): Config of NMS. max_num (int, optional): if there are more than max_num bboxes after NMS, only top max_num will be kept. Default to -1. score_factors (Tensor, optional): The factors multiplied to scores before applying NMS. Default to None. return_inds (bool, optional): Whether return the indices of kept bboxes. Default to False. Returns: tuple (dets, labels, indices (optional)): tensors of shape (k, 5), \ (k), and (k). Dets are boxes with scores. Labels are 0-based. """ num_classes = multi_scores.size(1) - 1 # exclude background category if multi_bboxes.shape[1] > 5: bboxes = multi_bboxes.view(multi_scores.size(0), -1, 5) else: bboxes = multi_bboxes[:, None].expand( multi_scores.size(0), num_classes, 5) scores = multi_scores[:, :-1] labels = torch.arange(num_classes, dtype=torch.long) labels = labels.view(1, -1).expand_as(scores) bboxes = bboxes.reshape(-1, 5) scores = scores.reshape(-1) labels = labels.reshape(-1) # remove low scoring boxes valid_mask = scores > score_thr if score_factors is not None: # expand the shape to match original shape of score score_factors = score_factors.view(-1, 1).expand( multi_scores.size(0), num_classes) score_factors = score_factors.reshape(-1) scores = scores * score_factors inds = valid_mask.nonzero(as_tuple=False).squeeze(1) bboxes, scores, labels = bboxes[inds], scores[inds], labels[inds] if bboxes.numel() == 0: dets =[bboxes, scores[:, None]], -1) if return_inds: return dets, labels, inds else: return dets, labels # Strictly, the maximum coordinates of the rotating box (x,y,w,h,a) # should be calculated by polygon coordinates. # But the conversion from rbbox to polygon will slow down the speed. # So we use max(x,y) + max(w,h) as max coordinate # which is larger than polygon max coordinate # max(x1, y1, x2, y2,x3, y3, x4, y4) max_coordinate = bboxes[:, :2].max() + bboxes[:, 2:4].max() offsets = * (max_coordinate + 1) if bboxes.size(-1) == 5: bboxes_for_nms = bboxes.clone() bboxes_for_nms[:, :2] = bboxes_for_nms[:, :2] + offsets[:, None] else: bboxes_for_nms = bboxes + offsets[:, None] _, keep = nms_rotated(bboxes_for_nms, scores, nms.iou_thr) if max_num > 0: keep = keep[:max_num] bboxes = bboxes[keep] scores = scores[keep] labels = labels[keep] if return_inds: return[bboxes, scores[:, None]], 1), labels, keep else: return[bboxes, scores[:, None]], 1), labels
[docs]def aug_multiclass_nms_rotated(merged_bboxes, merged_labels, score_thr, nms, max_num, classes): """NMS for aug multi-class bboxes. Args: multi_bboxes (torch.Tensor): shape (n, #class*5) or (n, 5) multi_scores (torch.Tensor): shape (n, #class), where the last column contains scores of the background class, but this will be ignored. score_thr (float): bbox threshold, bboxes with scores lower than it will not be considered. nms (float): Config of NMS. max_num (int, optional): if there are more than max_num bboxes after NMS, only top max_num will be kept. Default to -1. classes (int): number of classes. Returns: tuple (dets, labels): tensors of shape (k, 5), and (k). Dets are boxes with scores. Labels are 0-based. """ bboxes, labels = [], [] for cls in range(classes): cls_bboxes = merged_bboxes[merged_labels == cls] inds = cls_bboxes[:, -1] > score_thr if len(inds) == 0: continue cur_bboxes = cls_bboxes[inds, :] cls_dets, _ = nms_rotated(cur_bboxes[:, :5], cur_bboxes[:, -1], nms.iou_thr) cls_labels = merged_bboxes.new_full((cls_dets.shape[0], ), cls, dtype=torch.long) if cls_dets.size()[0] == 0: continue bboxes.append(cls_dets) labels.append(cls_labels) if bboxes: bboxes = labels = if bboxes.shape[0] > max_num: _, _inds = bboxes[:, -1].sort(descending=True) _inds = _inds[:max_num] bboxes = bboxes[_inds] labels = labels[_inds] else: bboxes = merged_bboxes.new_zeros((0, merged_bboxes.size(-1))) labels = merged_bboxes.new_zeros((0, ), dtype=torch.long) return bboxes, labels
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